Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Did You Know?

Did you Know the Big Bang Theory was proposed by a Belgian Astronomer by the Name of Georges- Henri Lemaitre, who, strangley was also a Roman Catholic Priest. His research in the matter was actually endorsed by the Pope. He did this because he believed it gave evidence of a creator since Lemaitre's theory states that the universe was created. This theory also is the cornerstone of many atheists beliefs. It is strange that a theory that was developed by a preist spawned an anti-religious belief system.

This Theory was indepedantly producded, by a russian cosmologist and mathmetician named Alexander Friedman, before Lemairtre made his theory. It recieved so little notice that Lemaitre did not even now of its existance.

Information Obtained through:
Reinventing Physics by John Moffat
Published by Thomas Allen Publishers
© 2008

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